Monday, May 26, 2008

Knowing When to Stop

Val and I were playing ball outside yesterday. She gets excited - doesn't always give you back the ball, runs in anticipation for when you will throw it again, and will sometimes overrun the ball because she misjudges it.

Well, yesterday she did just that, misjudged the distance and ran face first into the stone garden wall. She was stunned, dropped the ball, and walked toward me with the saddest face I'd ever seen. We weren't exactly sure what happened - we knew she cut her nose, but didn't notice until a few minutes later that she broke three of her teeth.

As worried parents - we rushed her over to the vet. The vet said, "Don't feel guilty, last week there was a woman that ran her dog over." Val is actually okay now but will have to get those three teeth extracted this week. They said if you had to break any teeth, those were the ones to do it.

She breaks her teeth and then it breaks our heart. Not sure which feels worse.