Monday, September 7, 2009

Turnover Tart

Today is Mr. Kenney's 78th birthday and we celebrated yesterday with the family (sans Jimmy - although we called him so we could all sing together). We cooked up some burgers and a full spread of delicious sides. And to top it all off, we had turnover tarts for dessert. They were not meant to be turnovers though. The tarts were beautifully arranged with fruit in the design of a flag and Pat was meticulous with the bakery boxes - from the store, to the car, and then to the house - she calculated every step to ensure a successful arrival. When she got to the house, she tucked them to the side of the kitchen table so no one would bump into them. Little did she know that putting them in front of the juice boxes was not the best place for them. You see, Ava says her juice boxes make her tummy so very happy - and when she wants her tummy to be happy, she is relentless until she gets one. In her attempt to reach her favorite beverage, she knocked the bakery boxes to the floor and our tarts became turnover tarts. Ava had no idea what she had done - but we figured, it all ends up in the belly (whether it is pretty or not) and it tasted just as good, had it been untouched. Happy Birthday Mr. Kenney - we love you!