Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Colton's Baptism

It was Colton's first official day - his baptism. The family traveled in to celebrate, along with his Godparents' Jessie & Craig Doman. We had a nice weekend, but the baptism day was extra special. We believe Mrs. Kenney was there with too, as one of the girls getting baptized along with Colton was named Madeleine. The message was clear on that day from Monsignor Flood - your children will learn religion by example. It empowered me and also stressed me out. A lot of responsibility to raise a child and make sure they are well rounded and learn the words of God. So we will try our best and hopefully Colton will be a kind, loving, and faithful boy someday. That's all I wish for. Colt loved getting baptized as he loves his baths. He smiled so big. We love him so much!