Saturday, April 21, 2012


I think a lot about the people in my life.  I wonder why I met them, why God placed them in my life, why they have become a friend, an acquaintance, or just someone who could be a whisper to my everyday being.  I find it fun to think about how the stars would have still aligned and I would still have found my best friends or my husband even if my life didn't play out the way it did to date.  I believe it all was meant to be. 

Which brings me to someone who I consider a friend, although we never talk.  We have exchanged an email or so, we post on each others' Facebook walls and comment on pictures, but I probably would never know her if I wasn't married to Brian and have become friends through association to the McGahey family. 

Jenny Spinner is one of the neatest people I know and I feel lucky to know her.  I followed her blog about her family for years - thinking what a great mom she was to her 3 boys and all the fun they had together.  I now follow her new blog called, "Twin Prints: An Adoption Story."  I posted the link to it on the side of this blog.  Like I said above, we never really talk (unless at a family event), but I feel I know her so deeply through the incredible words she strings together.  Jenny makes me smile, makes me cry, makes me think, and makes me appreciate. Her words challenge me, and I love her for that.  She is a special person who entered my life somehow and I am very thankful for that.  

You should read the blog - start from the beginning.  But I will warn you, get some tissues.