Sunday, October 21, 2012

Churchill to Copper Beach

Our major hunk at the playground
Thumbs up - kite in air
Kite flying at Copper Beach Elementary
I reminisce a lot about my childhood because it was a good one.  And having a child makes you relive so much of it while creating your own new memories together.  It is better than any gift out there and hard to explain if you don't have kids of your own.  When I was little, my dad would take my brother and I to Churchill where he taught us to ride our bikes, where we played basketball, where we went to the playground, and so much more.  I do remember my dad taking us to fly a kite, so this last weekend we went to our version of Churchill and hit up Copper Beach Elementary to do the same.  Colt didn't want to participate in the kite flying this time, but I had lots of fun with it.  We then enjoyed the slides, and all the other fun playground activities. A fun family weekend indeed.