Saturday, January 4, 2014

Welcome Cora Elizabeth Kenney

Cora joined our family at 6:54 pm on December 4, 2013. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 14 ozs and was 20.5 inches long.

I went into triage thinking my water was leaking. My water hadn't broken but my blood pressure was high. Because I was full term, the OB on call gave me the option of being induced that day to avoid risking more high blood pressure readings. Not wanting to be pregnant anymore, I opted to be induced.  I was scared to death, but as soon as Brian arrived, he put me at ease.  My parents jumped in the car in Pittsburgh and arrived in Philadelphia in time to pick up Colton from school.

Once they induced me, it took about 5 hours.  I got some IV pain meds once the contractions kicked in which took the edge off of the contractions, let me sleep, and helped get me to 9 cms very quickly.  I opted for no epidural, and at 10 cms, I pushed Cora out in 2 pushes.

Seeing Colton with Cora for the first time was very special.  He held her, kissed her, and was just plain sweet.  It just feels right being a family of 5.