Monday, June 2, 2014


Our team: Kelli, me, our horse (Fight on State), Kristen, Steph and Hunter

My sorority sisters: Marlena, Kelli, me, Jen (on our horse), Kristen, and Steph
On Sunday 6/1 a few of my sorority sisters and I participated in a human-powered inflatable horse race in support of a very serious cause — the fight against sexual violence. All proceeds from RAINN 'Em In, support RAINN, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. My sorority sister, Jennifer Shipe, founded the event in 2012. After living in silence about her own rape for more than 15 years, she decided to break that silence three years ago.  We couldn't be prouder for her success in creating this event and raising $90,000 to date.  My sisters and I hopped around bases in a relay style and our old bodies are feeling it today. If you want to contribute to a great cause and support a friend, please do: