Saturday, December 20, 2008

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Brian and I went out to Bob & Mary's this afternoon to visit everyone before the holidays and give Ava & Luke their Christmas presents. Lucky for us, we got an extra special treat because Santa was making his rounds around Aston, PA. Brian, Bob, Ava, Val and I waited, frigidly and eagerly, on the corner with all the neighbors so we could get to meet the jolly big man. Santa's helpers handed out candy canes, and when it was time for Ava to go up and tell Santa she wanted him to bring her an Ariel dress - she didn't find Santa too jolly - she screamed and cried. But, as Santa drove out of site and yelled Merry Christmas to all...Ava finally warmed up and got the last word in screaming, "Ariel dress!"