Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hanging With Ava & Luke

Last weekend we visited Bob, Mary, Ava & Luke. We have so much fun with them. We spent majority of our time playing with Play-Doh and blocks - which we forgot how much fun they both are. At one point, Brian and I looked at each other and realized we were the only ones still at the table making shapes out of the Play-Doh. And I was secretly trying to build the tallest block structure (although as you can see below Ava had me beat). Enjoy pictures below with captions.Ava & her cute pigtailsAva did this and said it was Val. We believe she was making a paw print - all by herself. Luke enjoying his cookie. Soon after Val snatched it from his tray. Ava & Val - friends forever. Luke chowing down on the block - probably because Val ate his cookie. Ava building the tallest block building. Seconds later it came crashing to the ground.