Monday, March 22, 2010

And The Winner Is...

Brian and I have been calling our baby to be, "Brayden" since we saw the name (we opted to change the spelling to 'en' instead of 'on'). Not sure what it is about the name that caught our attention, but if he can hear us in there, he knows there is someone around us with that name and may be looking around for him if he doesn't hear it when he comes into this world.

But just because we have loved the name Brayden from the start, we are still contemplating the name Matthew. It is a strong, traditional, masculine name.

So the winner will be decided the day he is born - after we get a good look at him. It will either be Brayden Matthew or Matthew Brayden. Or you never know - it could be something totally different. We thank you for voting.