Monday, March 22, 2010

Don't Forget About Val

Val watching out for us
My bed mate when Brian was on a trip
Keeping baby Kenney warm and trying to get me to stop working
Soaking up the rays

Ever since I found out I was pregnant I have been having these emotions (that bring me to tears) about how Val will feel when the baby arrives. It may seem ridiculous to some of you, but Val has been our first baby for over 5 years and has become the love of our lives. I remember when we arrived at the house with the litter and picked Val out of the bunch. I got to hold her and fell immediately in love with her the moment she entered my arms.

Sure she left her mark by chewing up many pieces of furniture and carpets - but of those pieces we kept, we live by my grandfather's words that it only adds character and memories. She has gone with us everywhere - family visits, vacations, and we are not embarrassed to admit that she shares the bed with all three of us (Brian, me, and baby boy to be). We made it through one surgery for her, have cried our eyes out for fear of losing her to a disease, and now pray the Prayer of St. Francis every night with her. We know what she loves, what makes her happy, what scares her, and what makes her sad. And when you look in her eyes, you know there is this perfect little being that just gives back love to you. She is a beautiful dog both inside and out.

I know I will fall instantly in love with this new baby and that is part of the reason I feel this way. I just want to make sure Val feels just as loved amidst all the attention of the new baby. I know there is a lot of love to give, but I'm kind of in awe at how mothers are able to bring another baby in this world after their first based on how I feel.

So if you come over to see the baby - please don't forget about Val. Give her lots of love too.