Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Welcome Colton Matthew Kenney

On Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 6:47am - Colton Matthew Kenney entered the world. He was a peanut weighing in at 5lbs & 15ozs and was 20 inches long. It was quite the experience for me and Brian.

Brian and I went into the hospital on Saturday late afternoon after calling the doctor due to a mild headache. I had been diagnosed with preeclampsia and having a headache is something they don't mess around with apparently. We sat in triage with our most important question being, 'Can we get the Flyers playoff game on this TV?' They decided to admit me that evening with the plan to induce. I was induced at 7pm and they told us it could take a very long time to progress. Apparently Colton had another plan. By 6am the next morning, intense contractions came out of no where and I was begging (with expletives) for an epidural. I had gone from 1cm to 10cm and was ready to push. With no epidural, one contraction, and 3 pushes, Colton was here. Brian watched his son be born and cut the cord proudly. We named him Colton after having a look at our little man. Below is one of my favorite shots.