Monday, May 4, 2009


Brian and I have (for the most part) lived up to our New Year's resolution of cooking dinners rather than getting take out - but once a week or so, we treat ourselves to Jasmine (the local Chinese food restaurant). It is always my job to jump out the car, run in and pick it up and because they are so fast at making the meal, it is always ready for me to pay.

This past week was a treat. I called on my way home from work but when I arrived, the food was surprisingly not ready. As I sat waiting for it, I couldn't believe the intricate wooden sculpture that I had missed in my hurry each time I ran in to pick up our food. I couldn't stop looking at it. It is a fascinating piece of work. I took this picture with my Blackberry so you obviously can't see all the holes they made for the coral or the sharp teeth of the piranha - but take my word for it - it is outstanding. Makes you wonder how many incredible things you can miss in your haste throughout the day. So lesson for the week: Stop and smell the roses. Or better more Chinese food.