Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Eulogy

This weekend was my grandpa's memorial service. The day started out dreary and by the end of our luncheon, the most vibrant rainbow appeared outside the church. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was a comfort during an emotional day as we knew it was my gramps reminding us to always look on the bright side and see the glass not even half full - but overflowing. Below is my eulogy to my gramps that I read at the service. Brian helped me craft it.I could share with you all of the great accomplishments my grandpa had in his lifetime, but it isn't those accomplishments that made him who he is to me. Rather, what I'd like to share are the pieces of the puzzle, puzzles that he poured so much of himself into that I now realize are symbolic of not only things he stood for, but life’s guiding principles.

While I could speak about so many pieces, I'd like to share the 5 pieces that have guided me in putting my life together:
1. Be gracious to those around you: whether it was a full spread Christmas dinner or leftovers on a Tuesday night, it didn't matter, my grandpa would sit at the head of the table, organize and savor his last bite, and as he finished his meal he would show his appreciation and compliment my grandma saying, "Alice, that was the best meal I have ever had – it was a meal fit for a king!"
2. Persevere and stay positive: we joke about how my grandpa was almost cat-like with 9 lives. On many occasions, my gramps was faced with challenges, I'm talking some tough, make you want to question God type struggles – no immune system, bad knees, broken bones, and cancer – but that never seemed to slow him down, he always bounced back and looked forward to the next day. Days after his hip replacement, at 89 years old, I watched as sheer willpower propelled him to get out of his chair and walk across the room – all with the outlook that nothing could stand in his way.
3. Enjoy your work: my grandpa was a problem solver – probably where he got his appetite for puzzles. We talked a lot about work. He would always tell me about how his work always excited him – so much that he looked forward to going to work everyday over the course of 35 years. And this focus transcended into retirement where he would strategically map out the garden each year, or focus his efforts on the design of a piece of furniture. Everything he did was done with passion. He always told me to not worry about what it was that I did in life, but what was important was that I enjoyed what I did.
4. Give of yourself: whether it was volunteering time or donating money, he always expressed how important it was to the fabric of one's character. He spoke to me about how I really need to think about the contributions that I was willing to give of myself. He and my grandma would purposefully select where they would donate 10% of their income each and every year.
5. Love: my grandpa was dedicated and in love with my grandma for over 65 years. They were true partners in everything that they did and it was very clear to us how important she was to him. I remember a few Christmas' ago when my grandpa gave my grandma a gift – a diamond heart necklace; you see, my grandparents never gave one another gifts – they had everything they needed. But on this occasion, a proud exchange epitomized the love that they shared and the lesson that they have taught us all here today.

It is these pieces that add up to make such a beautiful memory of my grandpa, and because of them, my gramps is a man I admire, respect, and love. He has showed me how the pieces of the puzzle that we call life fit together and because of this, and what he has meant to me and my life, he will always be MY HERO!