Monday, March 23, 2009

Sweet Alana

It had been since Christmas since we saw my family. And while I speak to my parents almost every day on my drive home and call my brother ever so often, nothing is as special as getting to visit with them. As you can expect, one of our favorite topics of conversation is about Alana. I'm always hearing about new things she is doing, how she won't take a nap, what she is reading or saying or singing these days, and what a little peanut she is.

I was telling Brian before we left for Pittsburgh that it kind of felt like the feeling you get before Christmas day. I'm talking about the feeling in your stomach that you had as a child that is filled with excitement for all the presents you will be magically getting once you wake up. I felt just like that to see my sweet Goddaughter Alana.

Even when I look at these pictures it just warms my heart. She is a doll and I miss her already.