Saturday, March 29, 2008


We have been meaning to blog about a condition that affects Julie's parents -- directionitis. Never heard of this chronic condition before? Well, allow us to provide you with some insights as Julie and I have witnessed symptoms of directionitis many, many times with her parents.

Let's say for instance that we are going to PNC Park to watch the Phillies beat the Bucs, Bill will start heading in the direction consistent with his experiences of traveling to the stadium. However, Carole's sense of direction to the stadium directly challenges Bill's and the symptoms almost instantaneously begin to manifest (e.g., disorientation, banter on most direct route, heightened inflection in voice when directing to 'turn here!', awkward feelings among passengers, etc.). The condition becomes more severe during traffic jams, road construction, detours and inclement weather.

If you know of anyone else suffering from this condition, please let us know because if they invented a drug for restless leg syndrome, surely there is a market for directionitis.
But honestly, we wouldn't want it any other way! Can't wait for our next trip to Pittsburgh!